Taciana Peão Lopes

Co-Founder - Mozambique Women of Energy (MWE)

Taciana Peão Lopes is a Mozambican energy/oil and gas lawyer with a Masters in Energy Law through the LLM - North Sea Energy Law Program, by the Universities of Oslo, Aberdeen, Groningen and Copenhagen. Taciana is the founding and managing partner of TPLA – Taciana Peão Lopes & Associados, a boutique law firm focused in assisting the development of energy and infrastructure projects that can bring a transformational impact to Mozambique. Due to her experience in the energy sector she was one of the member of the team of advisers to the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy of the Government of Mozambique in drafting the Electricity Law and respective Regulations. Taciana is a co-founder of MWE - Mozambique Women of Energy (www.mozambiquewomenofenergy.com) a platform of women in all fields of the energy sector with the vision to improve quality of life in Mozambique by facilitating equal access to energy for all and targeting SDGs 5 and 7.

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